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Our School Curriculum


Coláiste Eoghain creates a positive environment which ensures the provision of a comprehensive education of the highest standard and the personal and social development of every pupil to prepare them for life. Interest, pride and confidence in Irish is instilled in pupils.


Coláiste Eoghain is currently building a new Junior Cycle Curriculum following the Guidelines from The Department of Education and Skills and directly based on the key skills and principles outlined by the department.

Gaelige, English & Maths will remain at Higher and Ordinary level and consist of two papers as they currently do. All other subjects will be offered at common level and will consist of one paper.

Main subjects are: 

  • Irish

  • Mathematics

  • Geography

  • History

  • English

  • Physical Education

  • French

  • CSPE

  • Science

  • Computers

  • Religion

  • SPHE

Optional subjects are:

  • Music

  • Technical Graphics

  • Metalwork

  • Art

  • Home Economics

  • Business Studies

  • Woodwork

Non-exam subjects are:

  • PE

  • SPHE

  • RE

  • IT & Computing

  • CSPE


Transition Year (also called TY) is a one-year programme between Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle. It is designed to act as a bridge between the two by helping the transition or change from the more dependent learning of the Junior Cycle to the more independent self-directed learning required for the Senior Cycle

All second-level schools have the option of offering the Transition Year programme to their students and most of them do offer it.

The Leaving Certificate programme follows TY, and is a 2-year Senior Cycle. A selection of subjects are available through transition year, which are non-exam or test based. TY Students also engage in regular field trips, excursions and extra-curricular activities.

Subjects available include:

  • Photography

  • Irish Culture

  • Cooking

  • Philosophy

  • Drama

  • Technology

  • Media & Marketing

Work Experience:

As part of preparation for the senior cycle, as well as post-secondary education, students also undertake a weekly work placement program, offering experience with local businesses.


In addition to the above subjects the following are also available at Leaving Cert:

Business, Engineering, Biology, Physics, DCG Design Comm Graphics, Chemistry.

Leaving Certificate

Students undertake 7 examinable subjects which includes three core subjects, and four optional subjects, as well as other non-exam based subjects.

Core Subjects

  • Gaelige

  • English

  • Mathematics

Optional Subjects - 4 from:

  • Art

  • Business Studies

  • Engineering

  • Music

  • Graphic Design

  • History

  • Geography

  • French

  • Biology

  • Physics

  • Chemistry

  • Home Economics

  • Construction Studies

Leaving Certificate – how did we do?

Courses pursued by our students are wide and varied and include:

BSc Computer Games Development, St Pat’s Primary Teaching, DCU, Law & Irish, Business & Chinese, Music Performance, The Irish defense forces, UCD BA Arts, BA Irish Language & Literature, Engineering , Sports Science & Psychiatric Nursing.

100% of students progressed to 3rd level

Average Points total =550

100% of students got what they wanted

Average points total 415



  • Art,

  • Drama,

  • Dance,

  • Green,

  • Music & Choir, 

  • F1 in Schools competition,

  • poetry recital competition One Good Idea,

  • Trócaire 24hr fast,

  • Other charity fundraisers & events, 

  • BT Young Scientist,

  • Public speaking competitions (Debating)

  • History & Art Excursions,

  • Pupil representation at Dáil na nÓg,

  • All Ireland Gaelscoileanna Talent Competition, 

  • Gaelinn Table Quiz, 

  • Ógras,

  • Christmas card / logs project  Community Links  

  • And more..


  • Soccer,

  • Basketball,

  • Handball,

  • Athletics,

  • hockey,

  • Tennis

  • and more..